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- From: "Dr. Richard X. Frager" <smcqueen@cyberhighway.net>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic,alt.paranet.science
- Subject: Re: The History Of UFO Debunking
- Date: 21 Jun 1996 00:04:20 GMT
- Organization: Fragers Molecular Robotics and Nanotechnology
- Lines: 51
- Message-ID: <4qcou4$idv@host-3.cyberhighway.net>
- References: <4qcbb1$9tc@cobweb.aracnet.com>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.visitors:88716 alt.paranet.ufo:53979 alt.alien.research:26329 sci.skeptic:73096 alt.paranet.science:3247
- WOW! Great work Greg. That really sums up the "history" of
- UFO debunking. And it proves that the concept of "debunking"
- actually started with a military/government organization,
- and the purpose was to hide the facts about ETs from
- the general public and the rest of the World!
- Greg Stillson <naretres@aracnet.com> wrote:
- >UFO Debunkers: A Dangerous "Cult" or Super-Patriots?
- /The History of UFO >Debunking!
- > The continued increase of UFO sightings was
- >a source of great concern for the CIA and a new strategy
- >was born, >'DEBUNKING.' A group of CIA-connected scientists was >assembled in >secret to evaluate UFOs.
- >The so-called "Robertson Panel" spent all of
- >twelve hours in a round-table discussion, analyzing only about a >>handful >of UFO cases. The Panel concluded that, "UFOs are
- > not a threat to
- >national security...but continued reporting of UFOs is a threat." >Their >recommendation: The Government should
- > take immediate steps to strip UFOs
- >of their "aura of mystery," through a program of public education. >The >final report even used the term, "DEBUNKING."
- > The debunking included spying on UFO witnesses and the >infiltration
- >of UFO organizations by the CIA and FBI.
- As well as harrassment, intimidation, threats and the
- old stand-by, murder!! Just ask Karla Turner, but alas you
- can't, she's dead. As are many who have chosen to speak up.
- Of course, let's not kid ourselves. The aliens also want
- to keep the abductees mouths shut, and have threatened their
- captives too with death, and have furfilled those terrible
- promises!
- > Yet, UFOs have
- >made alarming intrusions at our most sensitive military bases. As the
- >Washington Post reported, "UFOs visited five separate nuclear missile
- >launch sites near the Canadian border during a two-week period in 1975,
- >one right after the other. In a least one case, UFOs tampered with the
- >launch codes of ICBM missiles.
- Well, the real definition of national security is "We will decide,
- in a democarcy what the public will know. And we have decided
- that they will know nothing about the real aspects of
- alien interventions.
- Although to some extent I agree with that policy, but not totally.